Saturday, October 28, 2017

Applying for SSN in U.S.A with FNU or LNU

Most people are elated once their U.S VISA is approved. Why should they not be? They are traveling to the Land of Opportunities, the Land of Possibilities. Living in the U.S is a dream for many people across the world. For some it is the freedom which the land offers and for some it is the money, while some may want to live here for the overall experience. Most people have a hassle free experience while staying in the US. However, some not-so-fortunate immigrants face lot of challenges due to mismatch of names in their VISA and Passport. The most common problem is FNU or LNU.

FNU aka First Name Unknown or LNU aka Last Name Unknown are those people who have FNU/LNU stamped in their US VISA when either First Name or Given Name is blank in the Passport as both First Name and Last Name are mandatory for the US VISA. This will not pose a problem for those on short visit. However, for those intending to stay longer, their names in VISA is the beginning of all the problems. One may wonder why this is a problem when you have entered the country legally with a valid VISA. This is due to mismatch of names in PASSPORT and VISA. More often than not you may be addressed as "FNU" or "LNU".

If your name in the Passport for example is just "ABC" (First Name/Given Name), then the name in the VISA will be stamped as "FNU ABC" or "ABC LNU" indicating no first name or no Last Name. Due to this mismatch of names in the documents, applying for Social Security Number (SSN) and having it approved is a very big challenge. Hence many applicants end up waiting for several months or even have their SSN applications rejected several times in spite of furnishing all the necessary documents. It is not impossible to get SSN with FNU/LNU in VISA, however it is quite a challenge.

Many articles/posts/people suggest having the name split in the Passport or change the names in the Passport for the sake of getting an SSN and all other documents. It is best to have your name corrected in the Passport when in your Home country. However, you need not fret if you are already in U.S.A with this problem. Having faced the same problem and overcome it, I have found an easy way to have the SSN approved in short time without any additional expense or changing name in the Passport.

Once you have your SSN application submitted, your local SSA office may issue a letter indicating that your SSN may take up to 4 weeks against normal 2 Weeks. The letter would also mention that the application has been sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for clearance. This is the first yellow flag that there has been a problem with your SSN application due to the details provided. You can ask the SSA officer to elaborate.

Immigration details at the port of Entry are saved in an USCIS application called SAVE, which is the Central application used by all Federal/State Government agencies for Immigrants verification including Social Security Office.
The status of every verification inquiry sent to SAVE application can be checked on the USCIS website -

You just need one of the following valid IDs to check the SAVE Case details.
  • Verification Case Number
  • Alien/USCIS Number
  • I-94 Number
  • Citizenship Certificate Number
  • Naturalization Number
  • SEVIS Id
  • Passport
Once you submit the form with valid ID details, you will see the SAVE CASE details as below.

In case you see a tick mark against the inquiry from Social Security Application, It means that verification was successful and your SSN will be approved. If you see a clock which indicates Case Under Review against the SSA inquiry, then it means that there was a problem during verification of your Social Security Application with DHS. In such a scenario, the local SSA office where the SSN application was submitted needs to forward additional documents to DHS. Whenever this happens, the SSN may get delayed or rejected as SSA office only waits for 4 weeks for clearance from DHS before rejecting the application. In case you do not see the Case being approved on SAVE even after 2 weeks of submission of the SSN application, you can call the SAVE office for manual verification of the same. You will need the SAVE Case Verification number pertaining to your SSN case for manual verification. This can be obtained by clicking on View Case button on the form above. The DHS officer will ask some basic details on the submitted documents to verify the applicant and will clear the application on SAVE, post which your SSN application will be approved.

SAVE Office Contact Details :  +1 888-897-7781 , then Select Language : English/Spanish--> Provide Case Verification number or select I don't know or Dial * --> Dial (1) or Say Contest --> DHS or Dial 1--> Speak to a Representative

Speak to DHS officer and provide SAVE Case Verification number and any other details as requested. Mention that you are calling as your SSN application is not approved and request them to clear your case. Once your case is approved on SAVE, you will receive your SSN via mail in approximately 2 weeks.

Note : SAVE Office number is the same number as I-9 verification number for Employees. Please check the link for the latest number.

Hope this article helped. Please leave your comments if this post helped you and want to see more such posts.

Disclaimer: The information in this blog post (“post”) is provided for general informational purposes only, and may not reflect the current law in your jurisdiction. No information contained in this post should be construed as legal advice nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No reader of this post should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information included in, or accessible through, this Post without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer licensed in the recipient’s state, country or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction.


  1. Very well written, good use case scenario

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. The aim of this post was to provide full details to ensure that no one faces the issue that I had to face.

  3. I have different case. Surname is blank and Given Name is xyz in passport. Visa is FNU in first name and xyz in Surname. I94 has xyz,xyz (meaning xyz is given name and xyz is surname). While applying ssn and dmv,should I use xyz, xyz and will it not be any issue?

    1. While submitting SSN, you may use FNU, Surname. You can use the same for DMV as well. That shld do.

    2. I was doing the same and it turned out that it did not go through immigration. Then I pointed the SSN officer with I94 and when they used the name as per I94, it cleared homeland security check online.

    3. Good for you Kunal that Online verification went through successfully with I-94.

  4. And... what about SSN and GreenCard? Would they issue the SSN and GreenCard with the name on the new passport?

    1. It is recommended that you check with your attorney on this one. As far as I know all your documents in USA will be based on as is on the VISA.

  5. In my case, I got the Social Security Card. There was a name mismatch when my employer tried to verify it. Then, I got another Social Security Card (with same number) and corrected name as per I94. Still its a name mismatch. Had been calling USCIS, SSA, visited SSA Office with no luck yet. Have an appointment with USCIS officer next to next week. Any suggestions?

    1. You may need to visit local SSA office to have this sorted out.

  6. Very well elaborated document. I had one auery sir
    My son name is Saksham in all documents in per ur version, we should add last name or surname in visa or passport after proper documentation. Will not it create any job problem as job will be based on certificates

    1. Also the same thing also applies to Ssn no. Or green card

    2. I would recommend your son to have his passport corrected or at the time of taking passport to ensure that passport has First name and last name. Other documents can remain as is as the VISA and other documents in US are dependent on Passport.

  7. Hey, I had the same problem. I've checked with SAVE case and have ✔️ tick in my case.also View case mentions that, case is returned to agency.
    But I haven't received my SSN yet, It has been 4 weeks (applied on Aug 1) . Let me know what should be done next?.

    1. Please check with your local SSA office if you have not received your SSN card.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. HI Sir,

    My wife have same issue but my she is in india after a short term visit to US, she is going to passport renewal now, can we correct her name in new passport now? she has her Visa in old passport with FNU as first name? will the name correction in new passport cause any problem at port of entry? and if FNU dont cause any problem in US we are happy to live with it, hope it will not cause any problem with EAD too please advice.


    1. I recommend not to change name in passport now during renewal if VISA and other documents in US are already issued with FNU. If name on passport is changed, she will have to have her other documents corrected including VISA which can be painful and take lot of time and money.

  10. Thank you for sharing such great information.
    It has help me in finding out more detail aboutUSA visa

    1. I am glad if this article helped you. You can check out my other articles related to US visit on this blog if you need more information.

  11. Hello Sir. I just got my F1 VISA stamped. It has fnu in given name and AB in the surname. My passport has blank surname and AB in the given name. But my i20 and sevis forms have A as given name and B as surname. Should I get a new passport with name bifurcation now? I am still in India and have about 2 mknths before I go to the US. Also with what name will the I-94 form be generated (is it as is on my visa or passport)? What should I do now? Please help me. I have read many articles but can't seem to understand what would be the best solution now.

  12. Hello Sir. I just got my F1 VISA stamped. It has fnu in given name and AB in the surname. My passport has blank surname and AB in the given name. But my i20 and sevis forms have A as given name and B as surname. Should I get a new passport with name bifurcation now? I am still in India and have about 2 mknths before I go to the US. Also with what name will the I-94 form be generated (is it as is on my visa or passport)? What should I do now? Please help me. I have read many articles but can't seem to understand what would be the best solution now.

    1. If you have already got VISA, I would recommend not to go for bifurcation of name in passport now. You will not have any issues with I94, but may have some minor issues with SSN/DMV/IRS and that can definitely be solved here with patience and persistence. If you still have concerns, I would recommend reaching out to your attorney.

    2. Your I94 will have name similar to that of VISA. Don’t bother about getting anything changed now at last minute considering you are about to travel. Just come here and you can have things sorted out. It’s not really a big deal. You are not the first person nor the last person with this FNU/LNU problem.

  13. Hello Prasad , I hope you reply to my issue . I have FNU as my first in visa in ssn I had unknown as my first name . My employer was not able to verify my ssn . I visited ssn office they sent I my case to save , last Friday it was showing case under review . Now when I check my status I can see tick thus that mean my ssn got approved . Please reply

  14. Thanks for the blog. I have the case where I don't have a last name. And I checked the Case check website. It didn't mention any case for me. But its been 4 weeks and still I have not got my SSN. Can you help what can I do?

  15. Hello sir
    I donot have surname in any of the documents and I have received admission in U.S.A. My passport also has only one word name without surname. If I correct my name in passport, do I need to correct in my early schooling and degree in India also?? As it will be very tedious job and also will changing of my name can cause problem with the admission in U. S. University?
    I will be highly grateful for your time and guidance in this regard.

    1. Hi Mankanwal,

      I would recommend you not to change your name in the passport. You can get all your documents in US without surname. Its a bit of struggle and nevertheless can still be done. I have gone through all of this and I know the process of going down this path. Have also seen many people around me able to get required documents with having just a first name or just last name. I will be posting more articles in this blog around this.

  16. Hello,
    I have no surname in my passport hence all my documents here in the U.S have been issued as FNU Nairuthya Vijayendra, my passport is due for renewal this year end. Should I split my name or keep it as it is? Please let me know!

    1. If you are still in US, would recommend you to continue with your name the way it is as splitting your name in the passport will mean getting all your other documents updated which is one big hassle. So would recommend you to continue with your existing name of FNU. Hope this helps.

  17. Hi My name in my passport is Jagmohan(No surname or last name) and in my visa it's
    Given Name : FNU
    Last Name: Jagmohan
    I wanted to know which name should I use for SSN,Driver licence
    I also wants to state that I don't have any problem with FNU as my given name.

  18. Hi friends I am also FNU category. I submitted SSN application and since one week I can not see any info on SAVE website. It says no record found. What should it means? any idea? appreciate your reply

  19. Now I added by sevis number then it comes but there are 4 columns out of which 3 says tick while one clock. how do i know which one is correct

  20. I also have FNU in my name and as usual my ssn is delayed since 2 weeks , tried calling the save office and they told me they can't help . Asked me to wait for 40 business days. Any advice or help from anyone ??

  21. Can we guys make a community of individuals having FNU in their US visa to keep in touch with each other,
